Current CV:
The Price of Property Rights: Institutions, Finance, and Growth (with Ron Alquist & Ben Chabot)
Journal of International Economics, July 2022
Credit Risk and the Transmission of Interest Rate Shocks (with Dino Palazzo)
Journal of Monetary Economics, September 2022
Working Papers:
Good Inflation, Bad Inflation: Implications for Risky Asset Prices (with Diego Bonelli & Dino Palazzo)
Sovereign Credit Risk, Monetary Policy, and the Role of Financial Intermediaries (with Johannes Poeschl & Ivan Shaliastovich)
Aggregate Risk in the Term Structure of Corporate Credit (with Johannes Poeschl)
Hedge Funds and US Treasury Price Impact: Evidence from Direct Exposures (with Ron Alquist)
Corporate Debt Maturity and the Real Economy
Work in Progress:
The Real Effects of Corporate Bond Illiquidity (with Stefano Pegoraro & Sriram Rajan)
Older Research:
Monetary Policy Risks in the Bond Markets and Macroeconomy (with Ivan Shaliastovich)
The Asset Pricing Implications of Contracting Frictions (with Joao Gomes & Amir Yaron)